Saturday, May 17, 2008

TV-Catching up

Catching up on all the TV we missed while we were away. Highlights for the week were 2-1/2 Men and CSI. The writers of both shows switched places for a week and the result was very good TV. Both shows were funny a neither took away from the elements that make these shows watchable. They both stayed true to who they are.

Upfronts happened this past week, with the networks debuting their Fall TV schedules. Some of the shows I watch are not coming back, like Back to You and New Amsterdam. And that is OK with me. But the one I will really miss is Aliens in America. It is one of the funniest shows out there, and just did not get enough viewers, even on the CW. Very few of the new shows seem very interesting to me. This past Fall we sampled about 16 shows. I do not see sampling more than 5-7 this year, maybe even fewer. Which is I need to watch more TV huh?

The season finales for Medium and My Name is Earl were quite good, both ending on up-notes after some angst for the characters during the season. Earl was very funny, as it showed in the past that Earl and his brother used to wait outside an Amish like community for the time young women come ot of the closed community for a month to exprience the outside world. Earl had easy work showing them the world from his perspective.

The season finale of CSI was disturbing. And as much as I do not like the phrase "Jumped the Shark", (it is sooo over-used) this might have been the moment for this show. I knew Warrick was being written out, but it just seemed too contrived the way they ended it. If either William Peterson or Marg leave this show, I will probably stop watching.

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