Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Movie-Iron Man

Yes, we went to a movie, since I was still on vaca yesterday. And Iron Man was pretty good, a good one to see in the theater. Now it could have been hokey, but with Robert Downey Jr. in the lead, it had a great actor grounding it, in a way a less talented actor could not have done.

Downey plays Tony Stark, a weapons manufacturer that gets kidnapped in the middle east and has his view of the world turned upside down. In escaping he creates his first Iron Man prototype, and keeps working on it after his return to the USA.

Now it is based on a comic book, so there is a large element of the fantastic here...can anyone really be that much of a genius? But we know this is the genre, and with Downey exemplifying the good and bad in his character, it comes off.

Hi is supported by Gwenyth Paltrow as his assistant, and Jeff Bridges as his adversary/partner. Both are good, with Bridges especially standing out.

The star is the Iron Man suit, and this is really cool. Great effects, and a good idea to keep showing Downey's face as he flying around in the suit.

A fun summer flick, great production values and really nice performances. And that does not always happen in super hero movies.

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