Thursday, May 29, 2008

Movie-The Kingdom

This movie from 2007, seems like it will be the standard, Americans go in and save the day against terrorists-Rambo type of movie. But The Kingdom is actually a little more thoughtful than the typical fair, and with Jason Bateman in the cast, a bit more humorous than I would have expected.

FBI agents cajole their way into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, after a fundamentalist bombing of an American oil workers facility that kills dozens of Americans and some of the FBI's own.

But while there, they are not really allowed to do their work, every move be handled by Saudi Arabian police. This part does give some insight into the politics of the region, forces both of the government and against that have little or no compunction for peace or for the welfare of the people.

But the best part of the movie is when one of these four agents gets taken captive and the other three, with some help from Saudi police, go to rescue him. This was as intense a action sequence as I have seen in some time, with both of us on the edge of our seats. I even had a nightmare about it that night it was so intense.

Jamie Fox is fine as the lead FBI agent, and Jennifer Garner is always good, this time as the token woman and cause of angst to the Saudis. Chris Cooper is one of the best character actor out there. And, as I said, Jason Bateman in an unexpected role, lets his humor shine through in a fairly serious movie.

This was by no means great...but with some thought, some humor and a great ending sequence, it stands apart from the standard of this genre.

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